Is your furnace ready to retire or are you looking for a heating system upgrade? Consider this... today's high efficiency furnaces consume at least 30% less fuel than older furnaces! Most home heating systems operate at roughly a 75% rate of efficiency. If you are looking to install a new furnace, it is definitely smart to consider a high efficiency model.

Before installing a new heating system, you should be sure that your home is properly insulated and as energy efficient as possible. Improved air sealing, insulation and window upgrades make for substantial energy and money-saving possibilities. Changing or upgrading just a single system, without considering the other factors will provide some savings improvement, but may not deliver the maximum possible benefit.

When investing in new furnace, it's important to remember that a home energy audit by our team of BPI Certified auditors, will give you a benchmark from which to make your decision and to measure your energy-saving progress. An energy audit considers many factors, including overall insulation, heat loss around door and windows, integrity of ductwork and the overall efficiency of your heating and cooling systems.

Gas Furnaces: Natural gas furnaces have higher heating efficiency and their fuel costs less than oil, but your home must be in an area where a gas supply is available. Gas Furnaces require very little maintenance, are quiet and clean but gas provides less heat per BTU than oil. 

Oil Furnaces: Oil equipment provides more heat per BTU than other heating sources, but an on-site storage tank is required and oil must be delivered. Maintenance is more extensive due to dirt and soot buildup—chimneys must be cleaned and the oil filters changed frequently. Oil furnaces cost less than gas furnaces, but efficiency is lower and fuel prices are higher than with gas systems.

Interested in a High-Efficiency Furnace to Save Money and Interest Your Comfort?

Give Us a Call!

(610) 449-2444

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